According to a new study, high energy cosmic rays take birth from the huge black holes.The nearby galaxies host the high energy cosmic rays. This cosmic rays are the most energetic particles discovered by human. Though scientists working so hard to know the specific reasons to originate a cosmic ray. Miguel Mostafa, physicist from the University of Utah, says that “Galaxies which host violent black holes” like to be the main origin of the cosmic rays.
A study of $54 million places a view about the black holes. In this study, the black holes are considered to be the tightly packed objects with gravity,from which nothing can escape not even light. And it is also said that most of the galaxies contain black holes as it's core part. The research is made by A 17-nation collaboration used the Pierre Auger Observatory in Argentina, and will be published on November 9Th.
According to them, among the 27 most energetic rays, 20 comes from the direction of active galactic nuclei. This plainly delivers that, it would comes from the black holes.
A study of $54 million places a view about the black holes. In this study, the black holes are considered to be the tightly packed objects with gravity,from which nothing can escape not even light. And it is also said that most of the galaxies contain black holes as it's core part. The research is made by A 17-nation collaboration used the Pierre Auger Observatory in Argentina, and will be published on November 9Th.
According to them, among the 27 most energetic rays, 20 comes from the direction of active galactic nuclei. This plainly delivers that, it would comes from the black holes.