By the help of Proxy surfing you can surf anonymously a web site by entering custom Ips addresses.
Webproxies plays a vital role to stay anonymous without any work on your site. Just open the url of the webproxy, write your visiting url of the site you want to visit using the ip of the webproxy. Though the method is easy but has some problems as well. It might not match with all scripts that the site you want to visit uses. If thats the case try different webproxy server.
Firewall or other means of blocking scripts / urlscan easily block the server In this case you might try and setup your own webproxy. You just need webspace that supports php / cgi. You search the web for more scripts rather than using cgi proxy or php proxy .
The important factor if a proxy can hide your identity is if it spills your ip. It does not make sense to use a proxy to stay anonymous if the destination sees your ip and not the one from the proxy
Go to IE, go to Tools, Internet Options. Then click on the LAN settings.
To activate Proxy Server go to the Proxy Server.
Now put the address and the port in (you should already have the proxy information)
Firefox contains some great proxy extensions like the switch proxy tool. To perform proxysearch for proxylist visit irc or scan for yourself for example.